favorite treat cheat sheet 📝

I’ve shared this before, but thought it could be helpful to share again… and I turned it into a Google form for easy sharing/referencing!

What is the favorite treat cheat sheet?  A list of questions that you can text to your friends, family, significant other, etc. so you can celebrate them spontaneously throughout the year! 🥳  Or for this Christmas 😏

How to use this cheat sheet:

1. Follow this link to the google form & MAKE A COPY! 📝

👉🏼 When the form opens, click the “more” drop down menu & select “make a copy”. ***This step is crucial! Otherwise, whoever you send this link to will fill in the form and their answers will come to me instead of you 🙈

2. Send the link to your family / friends / SO / etc. 💌 
Here's a sample text if you don't know what to say:
“Hi, _                     ! I would love to celebrate you well & surprise you
from time to time...! Would you fill out this "form full of favorites" for me?”

3. Update addresses & birthdays 🎈 
This is a great time to update anyone's mailing address & b-day
if you don't have it recorded somewhere!

A few notes:

* Feel free to tweak / edit / add to the form to fit your needs! 
Depending on your relationship with the person you intend to send
this to, you might know most of the answers already 👏🏼

* Don’t feel funny asking people these questions! 
No one will be sad or mad or weirded out to answer
questions about their favorite things 🤗

I hope this is a helpful tool as you look for gifts this season (and in seasons to come!) 🥳


the gift list 2024 🎄