favorite treat cheat sheet 🎁
Here is something fun & free that you can start using TODAY! I give you the Favorite Treat Cheat Sheet — a list of questions that you can text to your friends, family, significant other, etc. so you can celebrate them spontaneously throughout the year! 🥳 Or just to have a good idea anytime their birthday comes around 😏
How to use this list:
Copy & paste the list below into a note on your phone so you’ll always have it! 📝
Depending on your relationship with the person you want to send this to, you might know most of the answers already – feel free to tweak/edit or add to this little list to fit your needs 👏🏼
Also, don’t feel funny asking people these questions – no one will be sad or weirded out to answer questions about their personal favorite things! Here’s a sample text you could send: “Hello *insert name here*! I would love to celebrate you well & surprise you from time to time…! I’d love to know, what’s your favorite… *copy & paste list below*” 🎉
Alright, here’s the list! 👇🏼
🎁 Favorite Treat Cheat Sheet 🎁
What's your favorite...
Hot drink:
Cold drink:
Snack (salty):
Snack (sweet):
Fast food chain:
Sports Team:
Book Genre/Author:
Do you know what your love language is?
Do you know your Enneagram #?
Do you have any hobbies?
Do you collect anything special?
What is your favorite thing to do?
Additional question ideas if you want extra to add in:
When is your birthday? *if you don’t know it already 😂
Do you have any allergies?
What is one thing you can’t live without?
What is one thing you always need more of?
Do you prefer coffee or tea?
What is your favorite fast food restaurant?
Do you prefer wine or beer?
Do you have a favorite cocktail?
What is your favorite type of cuisine?
What is your favorite coffee shop?
What is one TV show/movie you can watch over and over again?
What is your favorite movie?
What is your favorite band?
What is your favorite type of music?
Where is your favorite place to shop?
If you could splurge on one item, what would it be?
***Pssst: If you have an iPhone you can add all of this info to a person’s contact profile 👉🏼 Just go to “Contacts” > select who’s info you want to add to (example: Mom) > select “Edit” and scroll down to “Notes” > paste the questions & answers here for easy access later when you need it
I’d love to know if you find this list helpful – and if you put this list into practice, let me know how it goes! Or if you have any good questions to add, I’d love to hear them 🎈