introducing…a little something colorful! 🌈
A short story about how I got into Seasonal Color Analysis & Color Consulting – and created a side-gig (A Little Something Colorful) to my side-gig (A Little Something Goods) 😂
In January last year (2022) one of my dearest friends (Cece!), gifted me with a Color Consult. I had no idea what a Color Consult (or Seasonal Color Analysis) was, but from how Cece described it to me, it sounded so fun! Kind of like when you hear about the Enneagram, or some kind of personality-specific test and you immediately want to know what “type” you are and allllll the info possible about it. 😏
I enjoyed my Color Consult process so much and felt such a change in my level of contentment & excitement about my wardrobe after discovering my season (Warm Autumn!). Now that I know which colors work well with and highlight my natural features, I feel so excited about what I’m wearing knowing that I’ll feel at home & “like me” in warm, rich colors 💃🏼
After my consult and learning more about my own season, I started getting curious about which seasons my friends and family were. I started researching like wild and reading as much info as I could find about Color Analysis, scrolling on Pinterest for hours and making elaborate boards for each season. 🤓 I even made little notes on my phone for each of my friends & the details about their palette 😂
It became a hobby of mine to figure out people’s color palette for fun – and after sharing my excitement with many friends & helping them figure out their color palette’s, they encouraged me to pursue offering consults myself…
So… I’m thrilled to share that I’m now offering Color Consults! 🌈 This little venture feels like such a gift because I’m having so much fun with it, it’s possible for me to do from home during nap time, and it’s also the perfect fit for the “off season” when things slow down with my main product/focus of this business, The Curious Year 🎉
I’m learning more & more with each consult that I do, but it has already been an absolute joy to get to encourage people about their natural beauty & unique traits while helping them find the season that make them shine ✨
I’d love to help YOU along the journey of finding your best colors! 💕 You can read more about the Color Consult process here, and you can book (or gift) a consult here!
Questions about the process or booking a consult?
***I’m working on creating more visuals, photos and reviews from friends & clients for my website to give you a better idea of what this process/experience is like – stay tuned!