How to make writing & mailing cards easier
Here are some simple steps to make more snail mail happen!
📝 Stock up on “anytime” cards to have at the ready – One of my biggest obstacles of sending a card is having time to search for the perfect card! I love to pick out a special, specific greeting card when I can, but have found that having a stash of blank cards as well as general birthday & thank you cards is so helpful when I don’t have time to peruse the greeting card aisle.
My favorite place to do this: Trader Joe’s! Their cards are $0.99 cents each & they have really cute options! 😍 😎
💌 Stock up on stamps – Take the time to stop by your local post office to purchase a book (or several) of stamps so you’re always ready to pop something in the mail. You can also order stamps online here, there’s just a small delivery fee.
👀 Keep ‘em where you’ll see ‘em – Stash your cards, stamps & favorite pen in an easy to see place so it’s not a hassle to get them out. Maybe have a designated place on your desk at work, in your kitchen or even in a little basket near where you lounge/watch TV/spend time in the evenings – whatever place will make it easy peasy for you to reach for & write a card for someone!
⭐️ Brainstorm a list of people you want to send a card to in the next couple of months/this year. Note any birthdays, big milestones or celebrations (weddings, graduations, babies, etc.) & keep it with your card stash.
These little habits have made the act of writing & sending cards to people in my life so much easier and I hope they help you too! ♥️